Hello World

My name is Christie Daniels. I am an aspiring software engineer. I am currently double-majoring in Computer Science and Geography at Florida State University. While I have done mostly web development in the past, I am currently working on expanding my development skills as I move through my degree. As I progress, I will add examples of my work to this site.

Current Semester Coursework

CNT 4603

Computer and Network Administration

COP 4530

Data Structures, Algorithms, and Generic Programming

Previous Coursework

Computer Science

CDA 3100 - Computer Organization I

CDA 3101 - Computer Organization II

CEN 4721 - Human-Computer Interaction

CGS 4092 - Ethical Issues in Computer Science

COP 3014 - Programming I (C++)

COP 3330 - Object Oriented Programming (C++)

COP 3353 - Introduction to UNIX

COP 4342 - UNIX Tools


GEA 1000 - World Geography

GEO 1400 - Human Geography

GEO 2200C - Physical Geography

GEO 3502 - Economic Geography

GEO 4162 - Spatial Data Analysis

GEO 4210 - Landforms and Landscapes

GEO 4251 - Climate Change and Storms

GEO 4280 - Geography of Water Resources

GEO 4503 - Globalization

GIS 3015 - Map Analysis

GIS 4043 - Geographic Information Systems (with Lab)

Mathematics and Statistics

MAC 2311 - Calculus w/ Analytic Geometry I

MAC 2312 - Calculus w/ Analytic Geometry II

STA 3032 - Applied Statistics for Engineers and Scientists